– Solutions to prevent dairy animals from mycotoxins (which causes different diseases) found in food materials used in animal feed.
– Solutions related to proper digestion and utilization of nutrients available in animal feed.
-Solution to problems caused by deficiency of mineral salts in animals.
Feed Safety Product- Andomyco-R / Detoxin -R.
Nucleus of Nutrition Product – AntraMin AVIT- PreMix
Feed Efficiency Product- RuMyst AnniZyme
Safety of Animals Are Main Priority of Our Company.
Balanced animal nutrition is the hallmark of a healthy animal, But It has been found in scientific researches that despite having a balanced animal nutrition, animals have to face many problems/diseases and the animal owner has to bear economic losses.
It has been verified by many researches that the main cause of sudden diseases in animals is the Mycotoxins found in the food items included in the diet.
We always educate our customers to ensure that whatever we are serving to animals will be Toxins free.