
Probiotics are typically used to improve gastrointestinal health, reduce diarrhea, bloating and protect animals against infectious diseases.

Probiotics are Alternatives to Antibiotic Growth Promoters.

According To FAO and WHO…

Probiotics are live ,Non- pathogenic, Non- toxic beneficial  micro-organism.

Probiotics are typically used to improve gastrointestinal health, reduce diarrhea, bloating and protect animals against infectious diseases .

Several researchers have reported the benefits of oral administration of probiotics to ruminants.

Probiotics regulate and balance Rumen microbes, promote growth and development of animals, and improve the host resistance to diseases .

Recent studies suggest that utilization of probiotics as feed supplement for ruminants improves growth performance, production, and enhance health and overall wellbeing of the animals.

Applications of probiotics have been shown to reduce the negative environmental impact such as methane emission associated with ruminant production.

Lactobacillus acidophilus

Lactobacillus acidophilus is a probiotic bacteria.

Facilitates competitive exclusion of pathogens from gastrointestinal tract .

Bacillus subtilis

Maintain microbial balance in animals intestine and decrease numbers of disease causing organism

Aspergillus Oryzae (Fungas)


It can modify animal intestine ecosystem and stimulate the immune system and reduce he toxins and pathogens in  GI tract .it can also suppressing the growth of all kind of pathogenic bacteria.

Mode of Action of Probiotics

Reduce Infection of Pathogens.

Probiotics  produces antibacterial  substances  like-


B-Acidophilin .

C-Organic acids .

D-Bacteriocin .

Probiotics also neutralise Enterotoxins produced by pathogens.

Probiotics help in creating hostile environment for pathogens in the Rumen  and  help to improve higher utilization of Nutrients .

Benefits of Probiotics

Better Digestion and Nutrients absorption-

Increase Activity of Digestive Enzymes (beta galactosidase,alpha amylase.etc) which helps in digestion of carbohydrates, fat and proteins.

Increasing the area of absorption in the small intestine morphology (by increase in villai ) height, goblet matter and decrease in crypt depth.

Help in proliferation of beneficial bacteria by providing digestive protein, vitamins ,enzymes and some growth factors to host.